Just how safe is it to shop online? This is an important question for anyone who plans to use a credit card to make purchases over the Internet. Individuals will find that, when used properly and with safety precautions in line, it is possible to process safe transactions online. You should not stop using your credit cards online to make a purchase. Rather, it is best simply to take steps to reduce the risk of using your card. Keep in mind most credit cards do offer protections to consumers.
Are You Concerned?
Before you learn how to shop safely online, consider just how worried Americans are to do so. According to one report, up to 28 percent of people surveyed indicated that they do shop online but that they fear that their personal data will be at risk when they do. The second largest group responding indicated that they only shop at locations such as iTunes or Amazon - this amounts to 22 percent of the total number who responded. 18 percent indicated that they do not shop online.
There is a risk to shopping online, but only if you allow it to be present. In general, if you take a few extra steps during the process, you could protect yours information and avoid the risks of shopping here.
How to Shop Safely Online
You can learn to shop online with lower risks. There is no way to reduce all of your risk, but you can use the following tips to reduce the amount of risk you face.
- Only make a purchase from a secured site. A secured site will have the letter "s" after "http" in the browser bar. Ensure it is there before inputting your personal information.
- You should shop at companies that you know and respect. If you do not know the company, use a third party service such as Google Checkout or PayPal to process the transactions. You can use your credit card but the website does not get a hold of it.
- When you buy online, you should check your monthly statement carefully. This way, you can spot any type of problem as soon as it occurs.
Keep in mind that most credit card companies (though not all debit card companies) give you the risk free experience you are looking for when you buy online. If you notice a charge on your credit card that is not yours, contact your credit card company directly. You have 20 to 30 days after your billing cycle ends to verify the information on it is correct. If not, report it to the credit card company. You will not be responsible for paying it.
Taking steps like these to protect yourself is important. How safe is it to shop online? It can be very safe if you are diligent about protecting yourself.